Thursday, December 18, 2014


If you would like to do the extra credit, please read this entire list of instructions in its entirety.

Amazing Race of Riverside
The amazing race was created out of a love for Riverside's amazing history and heritage. Riverside is not just a special place for us but for our nation. Some of the things you will see within the race are just small glimpses of what Riverside has to offer. While much of this is from a historical perspective, there are a few random fun places thrown in for enjoyment. While the show Amazing Race has people traveling all over the globe accomplishing missions, we will be sticking to Riverside. 

Extra Credit Assignment Instructions

What you will need if you are going to do this project!
1. A camera of some kind to take a picture at every location(probably your phone).
2. A computer with power point, keynote, or using google docs to create a slide show.
3. The LAST DAY you can turn in this assignment is January 9th 2015 at 11:59 PM. If I do not have it or it has not been emailed by then(even if there is a technical difficulty) the game will be over.
4. This is designed as a scavenger hunt. At each location you will be answering some question, finding something, and ALWAYS taking a picture to show where you were.
1. If you choose to try to get extra credit please follow the rules.
2. Be careful-Don't go out around Riverside alone, at night, or without parent's permission. Some of the locations are not safe for individuals at night, and parents should accompany or be aware of everything the student is doing. I take no responsibility for anywhere you are going outside of school. Though I have tried to choose places that are safe during the day, safety is a priority.
3. Follow laws-This should be obvious, but drive carefully, do not break any laws, and respect all places you go into, if they kick you out and you can not finish the extra credit that is your fault.
4. You may do this with 1or 2 people. No more than that. (If you choose to do it with 3 or 4 I will just divide the points between you all)
5. You may partner with anyone in any of Mr. LeDuc's US history classes.
6. You may use anyone, or anything to help you. Internet, teachers, parents... the more the merrier.  
7. You must do the Missions in order, and if you do not complete the entire Mission, you do not get the extra credit. There is no half credit for a Mission, its all or nothing. However you can choose to do Mission 1; Mission 1 and 2; or all 3 missions.
Need help or a clue?
If you have any questions or need any help you can email me at
I will always respond at least once a day, usually around noon. But will try more if time permits.
Extra Credit
I know most of you aren't doing this just for the fun of competition and learning about Riverside's great history. Most people are doing this is for the extra credit. Here is how you can earn extra credit by amount.
1. Complete Mission # 1 and complete power point with your answers and a picture of you at the location = 2% extra credit.
2. Complete Mission # 1 & 2 and complete power point with your answers and picture of you at the location =5% extra credit.
3. Complete Mission # 1, 2, & 3 and complete power point with your answers and picture at each location =7% extra credit.
4. Complete all the Missions and finish the Amazing Race first and you will earn an additional 3%. For a total of 10% along with the pride of being the fourth amazing race of Riverside champion.
5. Complete all the Missions and finish the Amazing Race second and you will earn an additional 2% for a total of 9% extra credit. If you finish in 3rd place you can earn an additional 1 % extra credit for a total of 8% extra credit.
-All extra credit will be added to your final semester grade, after everything has been finished.
Thus if you had a 71.6% after the final, and you win the amazing race, your semester grade will be an 81.6%.
When you are have completed the number of missions you would like. click on the link on the right that says Turn in project and follow instructions.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mission 1

The first task of the Amazing Race of Riverside is to find the location of the 4 landmarks below. 
At each location please take a photo WITH YOU IN IT! And complete the additional questions right below by clicking the link. You will put each picture on a separate slide.
(just a hint you may want to plot these all out before you start driving)

----------> Mission 1 Questions<----------
(push on the link)

Mission 1 is the easiest so hopefully it is successful.

Location # 1(It looks a little different now, times have changed)

Location # 2

Location # 3

War Dog Memorial

Location #4

Mission 2

Mission # 2 is a little more difficult
(Most of it can all be done by foot in downtown Riverside)
Once again take a picture of yourself at each spot, and Answer the Questions from google docs for each location.
---------->Mission 2 Questions<----------
 (push on the link)

Location # 1. This mission begins by finding this statue of the man you last snapped a picture next to from the the end of  Mission 1. Take a photo with him and continue on to # 2. 
Location # 2-Continue past the statue and fountains, through city hall, and to the next statue, of special significance for the wolves. After a photo, continue on.
Location # 3. Continue walking along this walkway until on your right you see a building with the letters CMP at the top. Enter the building and take a picture with the photograph from your questions.(you will have to go when its open, bring your student ID to get in free).

Location # 4-As you continue on the Social Justice Walkway, also known as Main Street, you will see this newly created statue of a hero to the Mexican American community. Snap a photo with him, then continue on(or if you want to go for a ice skate).

Location # 5-Head passed Ghandi and across what used to be 7th st, and into the most famous establishment in the city. Find the statue head of this famous civil rights leader. A rival of W.E.B. Dubois he felt advances in civil rights came over time. And he even brought his message to Riverside. Snap a photo and then head inside.
Location # 6-Inside you will find a world of random history, but since security is tight, check out the wall of President's who have visited here, and grab a seat in the biggest chair in the building. You can thank your 27th President for it. Snap a photo and head out the side.
Location # 7-A beautiful gazebo you will see, while standing in front of it, possibly looking at the sun dial that is impossible to figure out. You can see Riverside's past all around you. Our first library behind you, first city hall in front of you to the right, the auditorium dedicated to our fallen soldiers in WWI down to your left.  If you direct your attention ahead though you may see a statue given by the WCTU(Women's Christian Temperance Union) who encouraged an end to alcohol in America. A larger version of the statue is inside though. Head in and check it out.  Snap a photo with the statue then head on in.

Location # 8-It's tough to show Riverside in 50 things, but they try to do it. Take a picture with the section on the cities founder. Then move on to # 9
Location # 9
-This building used to be several things, including our police station and post office. You will find the remnants of the old post office if you look around, stamps anyone? Find the evidence of this building's Post Office past,Snap a photo then move on to location # 10.
Location # 10
-While posing for your picture in location 9, the wall directly in front of you has a picture of a family and their house. Read their story, then find their house in real life! Once you have found it, snap a picture cause you are done Mission 2!

Mission 3

This may be the most difficult
-There are 5 locations in the final mission, all hidden with a riddle.
-Take a photo with all 5 and answer the  question below each riddle.
This is the final mission.
Tricky it shall be.
Five places you must go to.
The first one is a tree.
It's fame comes from the man.
Who planted it in the ground.
Along this famous Avenue.
In the middle of our town.
This Rough Rider was our President.
And his Palm(tree) still stands for you.
So take a picture by the plaque.
And move on to Location number two. (Be sure to not confuse this location with the tree in Mission # 1)
Question: When he came to Riverside he made a speech here, he said, "You have made of this city and its surroundings a veritable little _________? What word did he use to describe Riverside. 
Location # 2
The 2nd spot on this list.
Should not be tough to find.
The problem is that when your there.
You may think you've gone blind.
There's nothing left at this landmark.
Its all has been torn down.
But once upon a time.
It was Riverside's Chinatown.
There's still a little sign.
And a fence when you arrive.
Take a picture before it all is gone.
And move on to location number five.

Question: What is up with this place? What do people want to do with it? 

Some may say this changed our town,
All the people cheered.
When it was decided to be built,
Aren't Riversidians weird?
What once stood all alone,
Is easy to pass by.
But long before, in the days of yore
It increased the citrus supply.
Anderson Hall, is not near the mall,
But where you can get an education.
An experiment place with a look of the past,
Please go and find this station.

Question: What did Frank Miller do, and John Henry Reed say, about the day this building was agreed to be built? What was the building's purpose and importance to the future of Riverside?

The fourth stop on this mission,
Is where you can view a play.
Something special happened here,
One autumn Saturday.
In September of 39,
It made its greatest scene,
When Gone with the Wind premiered,
For the first time on the big screen.
Though much different now today,
It has made a comeback.
William Fox would be proud,
Now go and find it's plaque.
Question: What did the audience member's actually show up to see on that Saturday evening in 39, why was this event such a big deal?(there are windows with info on both answers around building)


The final spot on this journey,
Congrats for not quitting yet.
though on a mountain named Rubidoux,
This landmark is easy to forget.

There are few spots in the city,
Which overlook it all.
You'll have to walk, up to the top,
Make sure that you don't fall.

Built after the "great war",
This tower promotes peace.
And a bridge to go with it,
To make friendship increase.

Enjoy the walk, have a talk,
And soak the beauty in.
It's wintertime, in Riverside,
Good luck, I hope you win(the amazing race that is).

(you need to reach the location and it should not be a cross)

Question: Why and when was this built?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Turning in the Project

Whether you stopped after Mission # 1, Mission # 2, or finished all 3 you turn it in the same way.
1. Make sure you create a power point or similar presentation.
2. Have a title slide for each of the three Missions(or however many missions you did)
3. Have a slide for every place you went, and the question answered on that slide along with the picture you took there.
4. Send me the  presentation in an email to (If your presentation is too large you may turn it into a pdf and send it, or in multiple emails.)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Amazing Race example!

Here is an example of a location and how to set up a slide.

Find this cool Riverside location, snap a photo with it, and answer the question.
1. Question-Who was this awesome street in Riverside obviously named after?